
Monday 12 May 2014

Monday motivation #1

Happy Monday everyone! 

Hope you’re all ready for the week. Have you got anything exciting planned? If not, try getting something in the diary to look forward to – I find it really helps me on a Monday! The thing I'm looking forward to this week is simply only being away from home for 2 nights for work. It really does make such a difference spending more time in your own bed!

Anyway, here are a couple of helpful starters to get you going this Monday. Enjoy!

I love this song - it used to be on my running playlist before my phone broke, and it just made me so happy every single time it came on, and grateful to be alive (cheesy I know)! "This song is for you, and you are full of wonder" :)

Sometimes doing the small things can seem pointless, yet they can cause a cascade of great things:

Start your week off with some yummy nutritious food. It's so much easier when you start off right!

This is a vegan almond and cashew nut yoghurt from Deliciously Ella. Full of healthy fats and protein, and for some antioxidants and all round plant power you can top it off with a big pile of berries. Isn't Ella's photography beautiful?!

What's motivating you this week? How are you starting your week off right?

Have fabulous days!

E x

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